Exorde: A Landmark for what Tomorrow’s Jobs May Look Like

May 16, 2024
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Imagine collaborating tomorrow with people you will never know nor meet towards a common goal. So far, nothing special.

Now imagine that you are collaborating on a open-sourced community-driven protocol aimed at tackling deep societal issues, such as misinformation.

And now imagine, this is your job, for which you are being paid.

You may be wondering if we haven't read too much science fiction writing this article; we can’t really blame you. Here’s the thought process:

I — Open Source is Powerful

And when we say powerful, we mean really, really powerful.

In a recent leaked internal document from Google, the data giant reveals how open-source communities are taking over the deep learning model training sector entirely:

“But the uncomfortable truth is, we aren’t positioned to win this arms race and neither is OpenAI. While we’ve been squabbling, a third faction has been quietly eating our lunch.

I’m talking, of course, about open source. Plainly put, they are lapping us. Things we consider “major open problems” are solved and in people’s hands today.

I mean just think about it. We are talking about people with Raspberry Pis literally competing with tech giants the likes of Google and Open AI.

David vs Goliath much?

Magnificent platforms like Github offer great free code to do an incredibly wide array of things every day.

But today you don’t get paid for your open-sourced hard work, even if you are providing something of immense value to the scientific community.

Enter smart contracts and blockchain, but we’ll get back to that later.

II — Business ≠ Creativity

“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”

Erich Fromm

It’s news to no one that companies often lose all creativity once they have found their first paying client. That’s why stories of giants like Google’s 20% rule make the news.

Allocating time and ressources for people to explore new leads freely is key not only to progress but also to remaining competitive.

With community-driven protocols like Exorde, you can be certain that the community will continue coming up with novel ideas that will fuel the growth.

We don’t know what we don’t know. So staying open-minded, opening our code to everyone and welcoming any helping hand is key to the success of Exorde.

III — We Need Trust

TruthGPT, rising deepfakes, information manipulation… In a way it’s all connected, and it isn’t.

But what is certain is misinformation has played key roles in subjects ranging from dismissing global warming all the way to saying Covid was caused by 5G.

So who do we trust to give us the right information tomorrow?

Google? TruthGPT? OpenAI?

How about placing our trust in something that we can all benefit from, that we can all contribute to and that we can all own a piece of?

Such a system would need to be:

  • open to all (everyone can participate in this protocol)
  • transparent (everyone can see what is going on within the protocol)
  • neutral (information flows freely, no censorship)
  • decentralized (no centralized governance = no biais with regards to information and increased security from potential attacks)

Ring a bell?

How Exorde is Going to be a Game-Changer

Picture this: You work for Exorde, a decentralized protocol, not a private company. For all intents and purposes, Exorde Labs, the company behind Exorde is a service provider of Exorde’s data. So you work only as a community member within the protocol.

Your work consists in optimizing code for collecting and analyzing data for the protocol, but also finding novel solutions to combat tomorrow’s information-related problems, such as new firewalls, new barriers to block information access across countries.

The work you provide allows people all over the world to share information freely, regardless of language, culture, censorship and political interference.

Your hard work is rewarded by the community’s fund pool.

Your job now fully consists in bringing down information barriers and bringing people closer together.

Fully remote, fully anonymous, fully autonomous.

Welcome to the future.